
Crowe, S., Wijeakumar, S., Wass, S.V. (pre-print) An Investigation of Neural Signatures of Word Learning During Adult-Child Interactions

Phillips, E.A.M., Marriott Haresign, I., Labendzki, P., Wass, S.V. (pre-print) Examining speech-brain tracking during naturalistic caregiver-infant object play during a bidirectional, free-flowing interaction

Atkinson, M., Goldenberg, G., Dubiel, J. & Wass, S. (pre-print) Differential Effects Of An Urban Outdoor Environment On 4-5 Year Old Children’s Attention In School

Perapoch Amadó, M., Phillips, E. A. M., Esposito, G., Greenwood, E., Ives, J., Labendzki, P., Lancaster, K.,  Northrop, T. J., Viswanathan, N. K., Gök, M., Peñaherrera, M. J., Jones E. J. H., Wass S. V. (pre-print) Who leads and who follows? The pathways to joint attention during free-flowing interactions change over developmental time. 

Labendzki, P., Goupil, L., Wass, S. (pre-print) Temporal patterns in the complexity of child-directed song lyrics reflect their function.

Takio, F., Helminen, T., Lylykangas, J., Wass, S., Rantanen, K., Surakka, V., Gizatdinova, Y. , Kylliäinen, A. (pre-print) Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia as a measure of treatment effect in children with attentional deficits.

Wass, S., Amado, M. P., Northrop, T., Haresign, I. M., & Phillips, E. (pre-print) Foraging, hysteresis and inertia: understanding the developmental dynamics of real-world attention control.

Perapoch Amadó, M., Esposito, G., Greenwood, E., Ives, J., Labendzki, P., Lancaster, K.,  Northrop, T. J., Vaaras E., Viswanathan, N. K., Tamarin, M., Crawley, M., Jones E. J. H., Wass S. V. (under revision) Do shorter infant distress episodes with age result from improvements in caregiver-infant coregulation or infant self-regulation? Child Development

Viswanathan, N.K., de Klerk, C.J.M., Wass, S.V., Goupil, L. (under revision) Learning to Imitate Facial Expressions through Sound. Developmental Review

Wass, S., Smith, C., & Mirza, F. (under revision). Understanding allostasis: early life self-regulation involves both up-and down-regulation of arousal. Child Development

Ives, J., Labendzki, P., Perapoch Amado, M., Greenwood, E., Viswanathan, N., Northrop, T., & Wass, S. V. (under revision). At Which Low Amplitude Modulated Frequency Do Infants Best Entrain? A Frequency Tagging Study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2022-12.

Wass, S.V., Goupil, L., Smith, C.S., Greenwood, E.M.G. (under revision) Needing to shout to be heard? Affective dysregulation, caregiver under-responsivity, and disconnection between vocal signalling and autonomic arousal in infants from chaotic households. Child Development

Goldenberg, G., Atkinson, M., Dubiel, J. & Wass, S. (under revision) Outdoor learning in urban schools: Effects on noise and physiological stress. Journal of Environmental Psychology 


* Goupil, L., Dautriche, I., Denman, K., Henry, Z., Haresign, I. M., & Wass, S. (under revision). Leader-follower dynamics during early social interactions matter for infant word learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences

Marriot Haresign, I., Phillips, E.A.M.,  & Wass, S.V. (2024) Why behaviour matters: studying inter-brain coordination during child-caregiver interaction. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

* Wass, S.V., Phillips, E.A.M., Marriott Haresign, I., Perapoch Amadó, M., Goupil, L. (2024) Contingency and synchrony: interactional pathways towards attentional control and intentional communication. Annual Reviews of Developmental Psychology

* Wass, S., Greenwood, E., Esposito, G., Smith, C., Necef, I., & Phillips, E. (2024). Annual Research Review:‘There, the dance is–at the still point of the turning world’–dynamic systems perspectives on coregulation and dysregulation during early development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

* Phillips, E.A.M., Goupil, L., Whitehorn, M., Bruce-Gardyne, E., Csolsim, F.A., Kaur, N., Greenwood, E., Marriott-Haresign,I. & Wass, S.V. (2024) Endogenous oscillatory rhythms and interactive contingencies jointly influence infant attention during early infant-caregiver interaction. eLife


Amadó, M. P., Greenwood, E., Ives, J., Labendzki, P., Haresign, I. M., Northrop, T. J., … & Wass, S. V. (2023). The neural and physiological substrates of real-world attention change across development. eLife12.

Daubney, K., Suata, Z., Haresign, I. M., Thomas, M., Kushnerenko, E., & Wass, S. V. (2023). The development of the relationship between auditory and visual neural sensitivity and autonomic arousal from 6 m to 12 m. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience63, 101289.

Nguyen, T., Reisner, S., Lueger, A., Wass, S. V., Hoehl, S., & Markova, G. (2023). Sing to me, baby: Infants show neural tracking and rhythmic movements to live and dynamic maternal singing. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience64, 101313.

Sacrey, L. A. R., Zwaigenbaum, L., Elshamy, Y., Smith, I. M., Brian, J. A., & Wass, S. (2023). Comparative strengths and challenges on face‐to‐face and computer‐based attention tasks in autistic and neurotypical toddlers. Autism Research16(8), 1501-1511.

Kidby, S., Neale, D., Wass, S.V., & Leong, V. (2023). Parent–infant affect synchrony during social and solo play. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1875), 20210482.

*Phillips, E., Goupil, L., Haresign, I. M., Bruce-Gardyne, E., Csolsim, F. A., Whitehorn, M., … & Wass, S. (2023). Proactive or reactive? Neural oscillatory insight into the leader-follower dynamics of early infant-caregiver interaction. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences.

Marriott Haresign, I., Phillips, E. A. M., Whitehorn, M., Lamagna, F., Eliano, M., Goupil, L., … & Wass, S. V. (2023). Gaze onsets during naturalistic infant-caregiver interaction associate with ‘sender’but not ‘receiver’ neural responses, and do not lead to changes in inter-brain synchrony. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3555.

Kostyrka‐Allchorne, K., Wass, S. V., Yusuf, H., Rao, V., Bertini, C., & Sonuga‐Barke, E. J. (2023). Inhibitory deficits and symptoms of attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder: How are they related to effortful control?. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 41(1), 50-65.

Wass, S., & Jones, E. J. (2023). Editorial perspective: Leaving the baby in the bathwater in neurodevelopmental research. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.


Wass, S. (2022). Allostasis and metastasis: the yin and yang of childhood self-regulation. Development and Psychopathology 

Wass, S. V., & Goupil, L. (2022). Studying the developing brain in real-world contexts: moving from castles in the air to castles on the ground. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience.

* Wass, S.V., Phillips, E., Smith, C., Goupil, L. (2022) Vocalisations and the Dynamics of Interpersonal Arousal Coupling in Caregiver-Infant dyads. eLife.

Smith, C. G., Jones, E. J., Wass, S. V., Jacobs, D., Fitzpatrick, C., & Charman, T. (2022). The effect of perinatal interventions on parent anxiety, infant socio‐emotional development and parent‐infant relationship outcomes: A systematic review. JCPP Advances, 2(4), e12116.

Perra, O., Alderdice, F., Sweet, D., McNulty, A., Johnston, M., Bilello, D., … & Wass, S. (2022). Attention and social communication skills of very preterm infants after training attention control: Bayesian analyses of a feasibility study. Plos One, 17(9), e0273767.

Smith, C. G., Jones, E. J., Charman, T., Clackson, K., Mirza, F. U., & Wass, S. V. (2022). Anxious parents show higher physiological synchrony with their infants. Psychological Medicine52(14), 3040-3050.

Smith, C. G., Jones, E. J., Wass, S. V., Pasco, G., Johnson, M. H., Charman, T., & Wan, M. W. (2022). Infant effortful control mediates relations between nondirective parenting and internalising-related child behaviours in an autism-enriched infant cohort. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(8), 3496-3511.

Reindl, V., Wass, S., Leong, V., Scharke, W., Wistuba, S., Wirth, C. L., … & Gerloff, C. (2022). Multimodal hyperscanning reveals that synchrony of body and mind are distinct in mother-child dyads. NeuroImage, 251, 118982.

Wass, S. V., Amadó, M. P., & Ives, J. (2022). Oscillatory entrainment to our early social or physical environment and the emergence of volitional control. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience54.

Kayhan, E., Matthes, D., Haresign, I. M., Bánki, A., Michel, C., Langeloh, M., Wass, S.V. & Hoehl, S. (2022). DEEP: A dual EEG pipeline for developmental hyperscanning studies. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, 101104.

Haresign, I. M., Phillips, E. A. M., Whitehorn, M., Goupil, L., Noreika, V., Leong, V., & Wass, S. V. (2022). Measuring the temporal dynamics of inter-personal neural entrainment in continuous child-adult EEG hyperscanning data. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, 101093.

Murray, L., Rayson, H., Ferrari, P. F., Wass, S. V., & Cooper, P. J. (2022). Dialogic book-sharing as a privileged intersubjective space. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Smith, C. G., Jones, E. J., Charman, T., Clackson, K., Mirza, F. U., & Wass, S. V. (2022). Vocalization and physiological hyperarousal in infant–caregiver dyads where the caregiver has elevated anxiety. Development and psychopathology, 1-12.


Goodwin, A., Jones, E.J.H., Salomone, S., Mason, L., Holman, R., Begum Ali, J., Taylor, C., Vamvakas, G., Robinson, E., Smith, T.J., Sonuga-Barke, E., Wass, S.V., Charman, T., Bolton, P., Pickles, A., Johnson, M.H.  & the InterSTAARS team. (2021). INTERSTAARS: Attention training for infants with elevated likelihood of developing ADHD: A proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial. Translational Psychiatry.

Perra, O., Wass, S., McNulty, A., Sweet, D., Papageorgiou, K. A., Johnston, M., … & Alderdice, F. (2021). Very preterm infants engage in an intervention to train their control of attention: results from the feasibility study of the Attention Control Training (ACT) randomised trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), 1-23.

Haresign, I. M., Phillips, E., Whitehorn, M., Noreika, V., Jones, E. J. H., Leong, V., & Wass, S. V. (2021). Automatic classification of ICA components from infant EEG using MARA. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 52, 101024.

Wass, S. V. (2021). The origins of effortful control: How early development within arousal/regulatory systems influences attentional and affective control. Developmental Review.

Rose, S. A., Wass, S. V., Jankowski, J. J., & Djukic, A. (2021). Measures of attention in Rett syndrome: Internal consistency reliability. Neuropsychology, 35(6), 595.

Wass, S. V., Smith, C. G., Stubbs, L., Clackson, K., & Mirza, F. U. (2021). Physiological stress, sustained attention, emotion regulation, and cognitive engagement in 12-month-old infants from urban environments. Developmental Psychology57(8), 1179.

Wass, S.V. (2021) In infancy, it’s the extremes of arousal that are ‘sticky’: naturalistic data challenge purely homeostatic approaches to self-regulation. Developmental Science.  

Whiting, S. B., Wass, S. V., Green, S., & Thomas, M. S. (2021). Stress and learning in pupils: Neuroscience evidence and its relevance for teachers. Mind, Brain, and Education, 15(2), 177-188.

Phillips, E. A., & Wass, S. V. (2021). Bidirectional Mechanisms rather than Alternatives: The Role of Sustained Attention in Interactive Contexts Can Only Be Understood through Joint Attention. Human Development, 65(2), 72-76.


Perra, O.; Wass, S.V.; McNulty, A.; Sweet, D.; Papageorgiou, K.; Johnston, M.; Patterson, A.; Bilello, D.; Alderdice, F. (2020) Training attention control of very preterm infants: protocol for a feasibility study of the Attention Control Training (ACT). Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1), 1-11.

Kostyrka-Allchorne, K., Cooper, N., Wass, S.V. & Sonuga-Barke, E.J.S. (2020) Future preferences and prospection of future of outcomes: Independent yet specific associations with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Adolescence83, 31-41.

Koenig, J., Sørensen, L., Wass, S.V., & Sonuga-Barke, E. (2020). Too Fast, Too Furious: Short-Lived Phasic Influences, Resting Cardiac Vagal Activity and the Importance of Time: A response to Sylvain Laborde. Physiology & Behavior, 112691.

* Wass, S.V., Whitehorn, M., Marriot Haresign, I., Phillips, E., Leong, V. (2020) Interpersonal neural entrainment during early social interaction. Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Santamaria, L., Noreika, V., Georgieva, S., Clackson, K., Wass, S., & Leong, V. (2020). Emotional valence modulates the topology of the parent-infant inter-brain network. NeuroImage, 207, 116341.

Noreika, V., Georgieva, S., Wass, S.V. & Leong, V. (2020). 14 challenges for conducting social neuroscience and longitudinal EEG research with infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 58(Art. 101393).

Georgieva, S., Lester, S., Noreika, V., Yilmaz, M. N., Wass, S.V., & Leong, V. (2020). Toward the Understanding of Topographical and Spectral Signatures of Infant Movement Artifacts in Naturalistic EEG. Frontiers in neuroscience14, 352.


Wass, S.V., Smith, C.G., Daubney, K.R., Suata, Z.M., Clackson, K., Begum, A., Mirza, F.U. (2019) Influences of household noise on autonomic function in 12-month-old infants: understanding early common pathways to atypical emotion regulation and cognitive performance. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 60(12):1323-1333

* Wass., S.V., Smith, C.G., Clackson, K., Gibb, C., Eitzenberger, J., Mirza, F. U. (2019). Parents mimic and influence their infant’s autonomic state through dynamic affective state matching. Current Biology 29(14), 2415-2422. 

Clackson, K., Wass, S.V., […], Leong, V. (2019) Do helpful mothers help? The effects of maternal responsiveness on infants’ performance on an object search task. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2661.

Sørensen, L., Wass, S., Osnes, B., Schanche, E., Adolfsdottir, S.,  Svendsen, J.L., Visted, E., Eilertsen, T., Jensen, D., Nordby, H., Fasmer, O.B., Binder, P.-E., & Sonuga-Barke, E. (2019). The psychophysiology of stimulus conflict detection: Does resting state cardiac vagal tone predict orienting-executive control interactions? Physiology and Behaviour.

Wass, S.V., Daubney, K., Golan, J., Logan, F. & Kushnerenko, E. (2019) Elevated physiological arousal is associated with larger but more variable neural responses to small acoustic change in children during a passive auditory attention task. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

Perra, O., Alderdice, R., Sweet, D., McNulty, A., Papageorgiou, K., Johnston, M., Wass, S.V. (2019) Attention abilities, focused attention, and social communication skills of very preterm infants after training attention control:  results from a feasibility study of a randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.

Rose, S., Wass, S.V., Jankowski, J.J. Feldman, J.F. and Djukic, A. Impaired Visual Search in Children with Rett Syndrome (2019). Pediatric Neurology.

Rose, S., Wass, S.V., Jankowski, J.J., Feldman, J.F., Djukic, A. (2019). Attention Shifting and Disengagement in Rett Syndrome. Neuropsychology. DOI: 10.1037/neu0000515


* Wass, S.V., Noreika, V., Georgieva, S., Clackson, K., Brightman, L., Nutbrown, R., Santamaria, L., Leong, V. (2018) Parental neural responsivity to infants’ visual attention: how mature brains scaffold immature brains during social interaction. PLoS Biology.

Wass, S.V., Clackson, K. & Leong, V. (2018). Increases in arousal are more long-lasting than decreases in arousal: on homeostatic failures during emotion regulation in infancy. Infancy 23 (5), 628-649.

Wass, S.V., Clackson, K., Georgieva, S.D., Brightman, L., Nutbrown, R., & Leong, V. (2018). Infants’ visual sustained attention is higher during joint play than solo play: is this due to increased endogenous attention control or exogenous stimulus capture? Developmental Science.

* Wass, S.V. (2018). How orchids concentrate? The relationship between physiological stress reactivity and cognitive performance during infancy and early childhood. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 90, 34-49.

Wass, S.V., de Barbaro, K., Clackson, K. & Leong, V. (2018). New meanings of thin-skinned: the contrasting attentional profiles of typical 12-month-olds who show high, and low, stress reactivity. Developmental Psychology. 54(5), 816-828.

Porayska-Pomsta, K., Alcorn, A., Avramides, K., Bernardini, S., Foster, M.-E.,Frauenberger, C., Good, J., Guldberg, K., Keay-Bright, W., Kossyvaki, L.,Lemon, O., Mademtzi, M., Menzies, R., Beale, S., Mital, P., Pain, H., Rajendran, G., Waller, A., Wass, S.V., Smith, T.J. (2018). Blending Human and Artificial Intelligence to support Autistic Children’s Social Skills. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 25 (6) 35:1-35.

Neale, D. Clackson, K., Georgieva, S., Dedetas, H., Wass, S.V. & Leong, V. (2018). Towards a neuroscientific understanding of play: A neuropsychological coding framework for analysing infant-adult play patterns. Frontiers in Psychology.


* Leong, V., Byrne, E., Clackson, K., Lam, S. & Wass, S.V. (2017). Speaker gaze increases information coupling between infant and adult brains. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. 114 (50), 13290–13295

Wass, S.V., Cook, C. & Clackson, K. (2017). Changes in behaviour and salivary cortisol following targeted cognitive training in typical 12-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology. 53(5), 815-825.

Forssman, L. & Wass, S.V. (2017). Training basic visual attention leads to changes in responsiveness to social communicative cues in 9-month- old infants. Child Development. 89 (3) 199-213

Rose, S., Djukic, A., Wass, S.V., Jankowski, J., Feldman, J. (2017). Sustained attention in the face of distractors: a study of children with Rett Syndrome. Neuropsychology. 31(4), 403-410.


Wass, S.V. & Leong, V. (2016). Developmental Psychology: How Social Context Influences Infants’ Attention. Current Biology 26, R357-359.

Wass, S.V., Clackson, K., de Barbaro, K.(2016). Temporal dynamics of arousal and attention in infants. Developmental Psychobiology. 58(5), 623-639.

De Barbaro, K., Clackson, K. & Wass, S.V. (2016). Infant attention is dynamically modulated with changing arousal levels. Child Development. 88(2), 629-639.

De Barbaro, K., Clackson, K. & Wass, S.V. (2016). Stress reactivity speeds basic encoding processes in infants. Developmental Psychobiology. 58(5), 546-555.

Goodwin, A., Salomone, S., Bolton, P., Charman, T., Jones, E.J.H., Pickles, A., Robinson, E., Smith, T., Sonuga-Barke, E.J.S., Wass, S.V. & Johnson, M.H. (2016). Attention training for infants at familial risk of ADHD (INTERSTAARS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 17:608

Powell, G., Wass, S.V., Erichsen, K. & Leekam, S.R. (2016). First evidence of the feasibility of gaze-contingent attention training for school children with autism. Autism. doi: 10.1177/1362361315617880

Ballieux, H., Wass, S.V., Tomalski, P., Kushnerenko, E., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Johnson, M.H., & Moore, D.G. (2016). Training attention control outside the lab: applying gaze-contingent training to infants from diverse SES backgrounds. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 43, 8-17.


Wass, S.V., Clackson, K., Cook, C. & de Barbaro, K. (2015). Tonic and phasic co-variation of peripheral arousal indices in infants. Biological Psychology 111, 26-39.

Wass, S.V. (2015). The uses of eye-tracking with children. In Van Herwegen, J.R. & Prior, J.J. (Eds.), Research Methods in Developmental Psychology. London: Routledge.

Wass, S.V., Jones, E.J.H., Gliga, T., Smith, T.J., Charman, T., BASIS team, Johnson, M.H. (2015). Shorter spontaneous fixation durations in infants with later emerging Autism. Scientific Reports 5 (8284), 1-8.


Wass, S.V. (2014). Applying cognitive training to target executive functions during early development. Child Neuropsychology. 21 (2), 150-166

Wass, S.V. & Smith, T.J. (2014). Visual motherese? Signal-to-noise ratios in toddler-directed television. Developmental Science. 18(1), 24-37.

Wass, S.V., Forssman, L. & Leppänen, J. (2014). Robustness and precision: how data quality may influence key dependent variables in infant eye-tracker analyses. Infancy 19(5), 427-460.

Wass, S.V. (2014). Comparing methods for measuring peak look duration: are individual differences observed on screen-based tasks also found in more ecologically valid contexts? Infant Behavior and Development. 37(3), 315-325.

Wass, S.V. & Smith, T.J. (2014). Individual differences in infant oculomotor behavior during the viewing of complex, naturalistic scenes. Infancy 19(4), 352-384.

Leppänen, J., Forssman, L., Kaatiala, J., Yrttiahoa, S. & Wass, S.V. (2014). Widely applicable MATLAB routines for automated analysis of saccadic reaction times. Behavior Research Methods.DOI 10.3758/s13428-014-0473-z.


Wass, S.V. & Porayska-Pomsta, K. (2013). The uses of cognitive training technologies in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism 18(3), 1-21. 


Wass, S.V., Scerif, G. & Johnson, M.H. (2012). Training attentional control and working memory – is younger, better? Developmental Review 32 (4), 360–387. 

Wass, S.V., Smith, T.J. & Johnson, M.H. (2012). Parsing eyetracking data to provide accurate fixation duration estimates in infants and adults. Behavior Research Methods. DOI 10.3758/s13428-012-0245-6.


* Wass, S., Porayska-Pomsta, K., & Johnson, M. H. (2011). Training attentional control in infancy. Current Biology21(18), 1543-1547.

Wass, S.V. (2011). Distortions and disconnections: disrupted brain connectivity in autism. Brain and Cognition 75(1), 18-28.

Porayksa-Pomsta, K., Frauenberger, C., Wass, S.V. et al.  (2011). Developing technology for autism, an interdisciplinary approach. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16 (2), 117-127.


Wass, S.V., Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2010). The missing developmental dimension in the network perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33: 175-176