Giovanna Fletcher
Talking to your children about their mental health problems - on behalf of Bupa
Midwife Pip
How to promote child development - on behalf of Department of Education
‘Smarter but more stressed - how the modern world is changing children’
Times Educational Supplement
Talking about growing up in cities and noise in schools
Early Excellence
Talking about promoting concentration in the Early Years
Early Years TV
Talking about designing settings to optimise their suitability for young childrens’ brains
Talking about shared parent-child attention
Baby Brains
Talking about shared parent-child stress
Academy of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Podcast with Celia Smith for the Academy of Child and Adolescent Mental Health - ‘There, the dance is, at the still point of the turning world…’
BBC Radio 4 Today program
BBC Radio 4 Today program Christmas special with Children’s Laureate Frank Cottrell Boyce